
"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God." James Madison

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

LiveJournal – Six Apart Delete Hundreds of Pedophile Sites

LiveJournal Says No to Pedophiles:


"...Some of those stories are parodies; others involve sex. A related genre includes "shota" or "shouta," which generally refers to depictions of romantic relationships between teenage boys or between an adult and an underage boy..."

Setting a new precedent, LiveJournal, owned by Six Apart Incorporated,
deleted over 500 of its sites or journals today. Responding to requests
from Warriors For Innocence, LiveJournal chose to remove sites that promote pedophilia, child sex, child abuse, and other illegal activities.

LiveJournal has revised their Terms Of Service (TOS) to include new standards that will ensure that they protect the safety and well-being of everyone who visits LiveJournal.

As pedophiles and their sympathizers scramble to find new hosting options, we will be following them and contacting each web host in order to work to enforce a TOS that will ensure that these hosts maintain a responsible and respectable reputation.

LiveJournal and Six Apart have taken a very important step. They chose to maintain accountability for the content placed on their sites. By setting this precedent, they have opened the door for other web hosting companies like Blogger/Google,, Xanga, Wordpress, and others to follow in their footsteps.

Special thanks go out to Scott Kraft, the Executive Vice President of Marketing for Six Apart, and Denise Paolucci, the Manager of Customer Service for LiveJournal. They have both been very helpful.

Folks, this is great news! My friends at WFI are truly great Americans and heros to children not just nationally, but globally. Their uncompromising diligence and tenacity has impacted the world in which we live, and I'd like to say a special thank you to Sues and John. Great job guys!